Wednesday, December 17, 2008


NIGHTby Elie Wiesel
Night Reading Schedule# - Due - Assignment1 – 12/22 - pages 3-22 - 01/05 - pages 23-46 - __01/07 - pages 47-65 - _____ - pages 66-84 - _____ - pages 85-103 - _____ - pages 104-
Reading Dialectical JournalsYou are required to submit 5 journals per reading session for a total of 30 (60 words per entry). Your five entries are due when the assigned reading is due. ___________
______________- Night Socratic Discussion day
Who? Read about the people that the Nazis persecuted. Take the online quiz. Summarize the main points of the reading and hand in your summary.Complete by _____________.The Ghettos Read about the first step in Elie's journey. Take the online quiz. Summarize the main points of the reading and hand in your summary. Complete by ______________.Read about Concentration Camps. Take the online quiz. Summarize the main points of the reading and hand in your summary.Complete by ______________.
All summaries are due at the end of class on _____________________.
Mapping Elie's Route: Take notes for this assignment as you read. Click on this link to go to a map of some of the concentration camps. Create a map of Elie's route throughout his experiences in Night. Make sure that each place is clearly labeled and that your map is accurate and neat.Complete this activity and turn in your map and list of places by: _________________
~Quote ProjectRead this Interview with Elie Wiesel (all three pages). Then select a quote from the interview for your project. Create a poster that provides the text of the quote, a visual that complements the quote, and a typed explanation of why you chose the quote and why it is important.Complete this project by and present on: ___________________


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